
IT Support Engineer

Meet John – John has joined our team as an IT Support Engineer and brings with him a vast range of experience.

“I am looking forward to supporting the Codus IT clients. After 20+ years supporting travel agencies I am sure there will be a few challenges in there but nothing that the Codus team and myself will not be able to handle. I originally designed and built PC’s for the CAD industry and we were Autodesk resellers so it’s not all new to me. I hope to become a valuable part of the team and continue with the great work that they have been doing over the years.”

Here is an interesting facts about John:
In his spare time John likes to play at photography, with particular interest in children’s football. John explains that the children’s passion for the game is contagious and they are a joy to shoot. He spends his Saturday mornings at the side of many football pitches and also gets involved with events such as triathlons, swimming, gymnastics, mud obstacles courses and also MMA and karate competitions. John is also the official photographer for the Manchester Marathon.

Welcome to the Codus Team!

key skills